Deathigner is a 2D animation that consists of a few supernatural beings to death and their children attending a class on how to reap souls. The animation is very fluid, and the background art is superb. The art style for the characters are very simplistic, but very cute. Definitely something to look into.
Song of the Sea
Based off of Irish mythology, this video is based on an adventure with a girl and her brother who try to find their way home from a magical world. It's a trailer of an Irish animated movie, and indulges the viewers into falling into a world of Celtic folklore.
Tokyo Ghoul Opening: Unravel by Ling Tosite Sigure
Made for an anime created in the year 2014, the opening of Tokyo Ghoul has an excerpt from a song called "Unravel" by Ling Tosite Sigure. The colors and the details alone in this video are stunning, which contributes to the introduction.
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